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1,000 Illuma Twitter Followers!

We have recently reached 1,000 followers on our Illuma Lighting twitter page!!

Many thanks to all our followers for the ‘retweets’, ‘favourites’ and ‘comments’, we appreciate your support and always love to hear from you.

If you’re not already following us on Twitter, join the Illuma community today!

You can also find us on Facebook, Google+, YouTube and Instagram.  Search for ‘Illuma Lighting’ across all social media sites to stay connected and up-to date with all things Illuma throughout the year!

Lewis Hearne – Marketing Executive at Illuma had this to say about the company’s recent social media success:

‘The response to our social media efforts over the past year has been incredible. We believe business is built on relationships and our social media communities have enabled us to grow existing ones and in many cases build new ones.

From a marketing point of view it’s always made good business sense to publicise the success of our brand via social media amongst other things, but what’s been great to see is the engagement levels from our followers.

Social Media allows us to keep our customers up to date with all things Illuma 24/7. This year we’ve took to this medium to launch several new product, publicise the numerous events and exhibitions we have attended all over the world and give an insight into the day to day activities of Illuma. The aim was to allow our customers to get closer to us as a business and the early trends appear to show this is happening. ’ 


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